Join us in building a world where everyone belongs

The Belonging Forum is dedicated to understanding and collaborating to create practical solutions that combat isolation and foster belonging. Our research from around the world shows that interconnected, inclusive communities are the foundation of a thriving society, where everyone feels at home.

What we envision

A world where everyone feels belonging through connection to community, rootedness in nature, agency in civic life, and a sense of shared purpose with others.

What we do

The Belonging Forum was created by the Samuel Centre for Social Connectedness, a global organisation founded by Kim Samuel that has been working with partners around the world to understand and address social isolation and belonging since 2017.

The Belonging Forum conducts landmark research to understand experiences of belonging around the world and convenes partners, policymakers and the public to generate simple, practical solutions that support social connection and belonging.

At the Belonging Forum we:

Root our work in evidence:

We work with academic experts and people with lived experience to understand the issues and build on what works.

Advocate for inclusive policies:

Guided by the voices of those impacted, we work with policymakers to create policies that combat discrimination and address systemic barriers.

Share best practices:

We connect people, partners and policymakers from across the globe to learn from each other and amplify their impact.

Convene and connect:

We host events, workshops, and online discussions that bring people from different backgrounds and experiences together to design solutions to some of society’s most pressing problems.

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